Prices subject to change at any time and are determined at the time of sale.
Prices as of January 28th, 2025
Commodity by LB:
# 1 Copper: call
# 2 Copper: call
# 1 Insulated Grade CU: call
# 2 Insulated: call # 3 Insulated Grade CU: call
Tree Lights: call
Car Harness Wire: call
Brass Rads Dirty: call Brass Rads Clean: call
Yellow Brass: call
Heater Cores Brass: call
Brass Brkg: call
Brass Shell Casings: call
Al/Cu Rads: call
Alum Rads Clean: call
Alum Rims: call
Chrome Alum Rims: call
Clean Alum: call
Cast Alum: call
Alum Clip: call
Ext Alum: call
Alum Siding: call
Alum Brkg: call
Alum Cans: call
ACSR Wire: call
Alum Semi Rims: call
Alts/Starters Alum: call
Steel nose Starter: call
Batteries: call
Clean Lead: call
Lead Wheel Weights: call
Range Lead: call
Elec Motors: call
Copper Transformers: call
Stainless Steel Clean: call
Black # 1 Ins Cu: call
Pop Tabs: call
Commodity by TON:
Prepared: call
Unprepared: call
Tin: call
#1 Cast: call
Complete Toyota Trucks: call
12 Years and Newer Auto: call
UC Motors: call
Autos: call
Heavy Torching: call
Light Torching: call
Buses and Big Trucks: call
Breakable Case: call
Stainless Brkg: call
Appliance Fees (EACH):
Refrigerator: call
Freezer: call
Air Conditioner: call
Dehumidifier: call
All Freon Units: call
Microwave: call
Dishwasher: call
Front Load Washer: call
20 lb Propane Tank: call 1 Lb Propane Tanks: call